I love reading speeches. The great speeches. Churchill, King, Lincoln. Nothing from Thatcher's mouth. That sort of thing. There are times when I would love to be able to stand there and deliver the resonant line, the reverberating phrase. Much more than a Blairy soundbite.
And where would I use this skill, if I was so possessed?
At work mostly.
I work with a wonderful team of teachers. They are genuinely inspirational and they manage to weave their special magic in two directions. They can inspire students in Sociology, Economics, Business, Mathematics and a long list of other outwardly dry subjects. And they lift my spirit every day I spend with them.
It will never happen, but I dearly wish I had the words and the style, the opportunity and the voice, the platform and the performance to give something back.
But I haven't.
At work mostly.
I work with a wonderful team of teachers. They are genuinely inspirational and they manage to weave their special magic in two directions. They can inspire students in Sociology, Economics, Business, Mathematics and a long list of other outwardly dry subjects. And they lift my spirit every day I spend with them.
It will never happen, but I dearly wish I had the words and the style, the opportunity and the voice, the platform and the performance to give something back.
But I haven't.
Try the odd line from Shakespeare - wouldn't go amiss?
You forgot to mention English teachers!!!
Try the odd line from Shakespeare - wouldn't go amiss?
You forgot to mention English teachers!!!
''Words I Never Say'' almost sounds like a Bond movie. I can weave my eyes in two directions, but that's atigmatisms for you.
You give a lot back each and every day. Although, if in doubt, make sure you give something back on Monday...
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